Child-led Learning – #BlogchatterA2Z theme reveal
I’m often asked how I taught/ teach V a variety of concepts. And when I say that all her learning is child-led, people have a lot of questions and doubts.
What do I mean by child-led?
At one point of time, scientists believed that a baby is like a blank slate or a tabula rasa. She has no knowledge and would not be in a cognitive position to understand complex ideas until she turns 3. But, research on how the brain works and learns has come a long way now, and we know that infants possess the capacity to explore, question and actively learn if given the right stimuli.
As a biology teacher, I’d love to talk to V about DNA and the works. But I also understand that doing that would be detrimental and I need to fan the flames in the direction she wishes. She loves geography ( a subject I don’t understand to date.… Click to read the rest