Reading to an infant. Really?
A lot of people have been asking why raising a reader is so important. And I thought, “Why not list them down neatly!?”
So when is the right time to start reading to your baby?
Ans. No time is too early. We started reading The Jungle Book to baby V when she was in utero. It was a way to familiarize her to her dad’s voice, and reading before bed time (well , her awake time!)
Once she popped out, we hardly got time or energy to read to her and started again only at about 3months.
WHY? (Bullet point alert)
1. How does it help me?
We love our reading time which doubles up as bonding time. It is a dedicated time when we just read, talk, interact with no other distractions. Add to that, baby V is usually on my lap for reading, I get some free cuddles and snuggles too.… Click to read the rest
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