Baby books 101- All about reading to babies

We have been reading to both our babies since they were in utero, and reading is a way of life at home. But we’ve had multiple questions from folks who visit us or follow us on social media. I realise that the concept of reading to babies is still quite novel (see what I did there?) in many places. Hence, this comprehensive post on baby books.


Before reading words, babies read pictures. “Reading” books helps in their visual and auditory stimulation. Reading to children also improves their language aquisition and speech development. It prepares a child for literacy. How can a child who has not heard or seen a word, read or wrote it, no? When a baby hears more words, her neural network improves. But most importantly, reading  to a baby, helps increase bonding between the caregiver and child. You can read more in detail about the pros of reading here.… Click to read the rest

Birthing in the time of corona and lockdown

Last July, we had a beach play-date with V and her friends for her 3rd birthday. At some point during the play, the kids and I were busy hunting for crabs while the other parents stayed behind. At that moment, my heart was so full that I declared to the universe that I was finally ready for another baby. A few days later, V suddenly announced that she wanted a sibling, and a few days after that, we found out I was pregnant. Just like that. I thought this pregnancy was special. Of course, that was pre-lockdown.

It was a difficult pregnancy, with some complications (that seem minor now) , and I kept telling my girls that the birthing better be easy!

I was due to deliver around mid April. The planner I am, I had everything planned out to the T. The hospital bag list, a list of things for V to be engaged, a list of photographs to be taken with the husband at the hospital and even to how I’d make sure I wasn’t holding the baby when V came to visit us with her grandparents.… Click to read the rest

The true needs of a newborn- Montessori from birth

Somewhere in my last month of pregnancy, I started making a list of things the newborn and I would need. As I reflected on the needs of my soon to be newborn,  I realized that we focus on the commercial mundane. Here, I’ve compiled a list of the true needs of a baby that help her adjust to the environment easily. More of a montessori baby essential checklist.


I believe that a child comes into the world with the belief that an external uterus that takes cares of her nourishment, exists. Breastmilk be provided within the golden hour and as and when required.
Side note- Close proximity of the mother and child, helps both of them.


A newborn is still relating to the environment around her and adjusting to it. It is important that there is an order in her environment. A particular place for feeding, a diaper station, a place to sleep, etc.… Click to read the rest