Cloth diapering 101- How I cloth diaper-ed on a budget

Cloth diapering – the art and science of turning a shitty situation (literally) into something beautiful.
Speaking about modern cloth diapers specifically. They are basically wonderful inventions that combine the safety of cloth with convenience of disposables.
Well, we have been exclusively cloth diapering for over a year now, and this series has been in my drafts forever. So I thought, why not just publish it now? 🙂
Lets just handle the why now. So if you are a parent-to-be or new parent or anyone on the fence about cloth diapers, this article is for you!
1. Good for your wallet
Let me start off with a confession, all that talk about Mother Earth and everything, but what bugged me when baby V was 3 months was the amount of money I was spending on disposable diapers every month, and I was using disposables only at night. So the work involved in changing langots wasnt sweet either.… Click to read the rest