Keeping our children happy

I have a working weekend and long week ahead of me. In stressful times, I try, to remember the quote below by Robert Breault.

“In the happiest of our childhood memories, our parents were happy too.”

There is research that connects happy childhoods to happiness in adulthood, as well as health benefits. But while we plan the perfect days, playdates, environment and activities, for our children, I hope we remember that children are perceptive and pick up on our emotions easily.

There was this survey report I once read about people describing their favourite happy childhood memories that shaped them. Surprisingly, most of the answers were about simple, relaxing, moments of connection. A day spent playing in the beach, laughing at a funny movie, baking together on Sundays, cuddling in cold mornings, etc.

I asked V what her favourite memories from home so far are, and she said,
1. Reading together
2.… Click to read the rest

Bedtime reading routines with multiples

I’ll be honest, I had a bedtime reading routine in place with V, and when V2 came along, I struggled to find a balance.
I was too exhausted and preoccupied physically, emotionally and mentally, to just pick up a book and read.

But we did establish a solid bedtime reading routine with the girls early on, and that remains my favourite sanity saver.

bedtime reading with multiple children

Here’s a list of easy tips that helped while transitioning to reading to 2.

1. In the early days it’s about easing the transition for the elder child.
I remember nights when V2 would be more interested in feeding and I would nurse while reading to V. It was a reminder for V that she was still loved just the same, and reading together was important to me.

2. We usually first read V2’s book and then V’s. It’s an opportunity for them to wait for their turn, plus a chance to hear two books.… Click to read the rest

Baby walker 101 : A montessori perspective

Once your baby starts pulling themselves up, either people around or data mining on social media will throw walker suggestions in your radar. What is the deal on walkers? Are they montessori? Are they recommended? And most importantly, are they necessary?

A montessori perspective on the walker
A montessori perspective on the walker

Commercial walkers

Walkers, and other commercially available movement aids hinder development in the same way. They make a child mobile so quickly that he sometimes just gives up on his own attempts when outside the walker. They also give the child misinformation about where his “space” or body ends, and how legs really work, confusing messages that have to be relearned later.

Susan Mayclin Stephenson, The Joyful Child: Montessori, Global Wisdom for birth to three

That quote really sums up the case against commercially available walkers. For one, the baby depends on the adult to be put in and out, which straight away removes independence and need to walk.… Click to read the rest